january, 2020

wed01jan10 h 00 minthu02(jan 2)17 h 00 minPortes ouvertes de printemps


Event Details

Venez nous retrouver lors de nos portes ouvertes de printemps

Le programme se peaufine, comme à chaque fois il y aura des invitées.

Mais aussi, vous pourrez visiter le salon de printemps de La Rue et Toi au presbytère de Ruette le samedi et dimanche.

Il sera axé sur l'eco consommation, le zéro déchet,

Au programme, des stands, des conférences, des stages (pour ce dernier, nous collaborons ensemble)

Je ous donnerez des précisions dés que nous aurons mit tout cela au point. Un article complet paraitra sur le fil d'actualité du blog

Come and meet us during our spring open house

The program is being refined, as every time there will be guests.

But also, you can visit the spring salon of La Rue et Toi at the presbytery of Ruette on Saturday and Sunday.

It will focus on eco consumption, zero waste,

On the program, stands, conferences, internships (for the latter, we collaborate together)

I will give details as soon as we have finalized all of this. A full article will appear on the blog's news feed.


On the program: an exhibition on the theme of bread. Designers, a school, a baker, Mary-reels and the Atelier will welcome you to the vicarage of Ruette and here. Note these dates in your calendar



1 (Wednesday) 10 h 00 min - 2 (Thursday) 17 h 00 min


A l'atelier - Ruette

Rue Frère Mérantius 62A - 6760 Ruette


Marylène Loës0032/63.571.248

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